Posts from January 2016

Medidas temporales de estabilización

Carta de la Presidente (Read an English version of this blog entry.) Resumen No sé si nos enfrentamos a una mera corrección o si se ha iniciado un mercado bajista (bear market). No creo que la economía de Estados Unidos esté entrando en una recesión. Para los clientes con horizontes de inversión de 2-5 años, […]

Posted: January 19th, 2016
Categories: Uncategorized
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Temporary stabilization measures

Letter from the President (Leer la versión en español.) Summary I don’t know whether we’re experiencing a mere market correction or have entered a bear market. I do not think the U.S. economy is entering a recession. For clients whose investment horizons are 2-5 years, we’re working to stabilize portfolios by temporarily reducing exposure to […]

Posted: January 15th, 2016
Categories: English, Letter From the President
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