U.S. Fixed income takes the lead
Genevieve Signoret
13 October 2014
Our Performance
In the past three months, the asset classes in our model portfolios[1] that delivered the highest U.S. dollar returns were U.S. medium–term treasuries (2.1%), and U.S. investment-grade short-term credit (0.4%).
Producing the lowest returns (in dollar terms) were U.S. energy equity (–12.7%), Germany equity (–14.2%), and broad commodities (–12.7%).
Over the past 12 months, all our model portfolios have outperformed their benchmarks:
- LCN-ST +2.9% (benchmark: +1.7%)
- LCN-MT +7.3% (benchmark: +6.3%)
- LCN-LT +7.6% (benchmark: +6.8%)
[1] Read descriptions of these portfolios here. Clients receive details on their composition in addition to individualized strategies and portfolio management services. To request more information, please write to patrimonial@transeconomics.com.
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