Invertir cantidades pequeñas para el mediano plazo (parte 1 de 3)
Genevieve Signoret
Carta de la Presidente Ésta es la primera de tres entradas de blog sobre cómo abordamos los costos de transacción en operaciones pequeñas. Ejemplificaremos nuestro enfoque con una situación que solemos enfrentar: un cliente tiene una cuenta grande, dentro de la cual posee una “cubeta” (portafolio) pequeña. Consideraremos el caso en el cual el horizonte […]
Investing small amounts for the medium term (Part 1 of 3)
Genevieve Signoret
Letter from the President This is part one of a three-part series on how we’re coping with trading fees on small transactions. We illustrate our approach by focusing on a situation we often face: a client has a large account but, within it, one small “bucket” (portfolio). We consider the case in which the client’s […]
Breve actualización sobre el blanco móvil que es Grecia.
Genevieve Signoret
Carta de la Presidente Grecia es un blanco móvil. Favor de consultar Grecia: esperamos noticias de Bruselas para una actualización.Como sea tenemos esperanza. Tanta que el viernes cerramos todas nuestras posiciones de emergencia en títulos del Tesoro de largo plazo que habíamos tomado con los excedentes de efectivo de los clientes.
Quick update on the moving target that is Greece
Genevieve Signoret
Letter from the President Greece is a moving target. Please see Grecia: esperamos noticias de Bruselas for an update.We’re hopeful, however. So much so that on Friday we closed out emergency positions in long-term Treasury securities that we had taken with clients’ excess cash.
Deleitándonos en este verano turbulento
Genevieve Signoret
Carta de la Presidente (Esta entrada es una traducción de Taking delight in this turbulent summer, publicado el viernes 3 de julio.) ¡Qué semana! Espero que les hayan servido este primer y este segundo informe sobre Grecia a la hora de interpretar el flujo de noticias. El viernes pasado nos vimos sorprendidos cuando, tras el […]
Taking delight in this turbulent summer
Genevieve Signoret
Letter from the President What a week! I hope you found this briefer on Greece and this second one useful in interpreting the news flow. We were taken by surprise last Friday when, after trading hours (at 7:00 P.M. Mexico City time), Greece announced that it would hold a referendum on the accord just reached. […]
Forecast table update
Genevieve Signoret
Fixed Income We update our forecast table to incorporate June 30 (Q2) closing values for the yield on a 10-year U.S. Treasury bond Update History: 4 July 2015: Forecast table corrected.
Yen hasn’t been the haven we know and love
Genevieve Signoret
Currencies Scroll down to look at the third and last graph underneath our text. We’re surprised at how stable the USD/YEN rate held during last week’s volatility. Some analysts view the yen to be losing its safe-haven status. We think it’s temporary and that its responds to the market expectation—one we share—that, in the next […]
We see USD/YEN ending Q2 at 126 (140 by Dec 2016)
Genevieve Signoret
Currencies Merely to reflect emerging data trends, we revise down our outlook for the USD/YEN to $1.00=¥126 for Q2. Note that our Mexico peso forecast of US$1.00=MXN16.00 for quarter 3 is our way to signal that we expect the peso to dip sharply some time in quarter 3. It may actually already start to recover […]
Unless China correction sparks contagion, our portfolios are safe
Genevieve Signoret
Equity Summary As you can see by the graph below, China’s stock market had been bubbling and now is correcting. The correction began on June 11 and through Friday 26 June measured 11.3% in USD terms. So far, our clients are scarcely feeling a thing. Only clients with investment horizons exceeding five years have any […]