No change in our peso/dollar outlook

Genevieve Signoret & Patrick Signoret

Currencies In the four weeks to July 28, the USD/MXN moved inside $1.00=12.94–13.02. We forecast 13.00 for December 2014 but also, some time before then, a volatility episode. The peso in this scenario hits 13.30, then bounces. We think the EUR/USD has overreacted and will stabilize soon at around €1.00=1.35. But risks are tilted toward […]

Categories: Currencies, English, Español

Euro (but not UK) equity has slipped

Genevieve Signoret & Patrick Signoret

Equity EUR/USD and French stock market losses are hurting euro stock valuations in dollar terms. By contrast—again, in USD terms—GBP/USD strength is boosting an otherwise weak UK stock market performance. EUR/USD and French stock market losses are hurting euro stock valuations in dollar terms. By contrast—again, in USD terms—GBP/USD strength is boosting an otherwise weak […]

Categories: English, Equity, Español

Bienvenidos a La Carpeta Negra

Genevieve Signoret & Patrick Signoret

Bienvenidos a La Carpeta Negra en su nuevo formato: un blog interactivo. En La Carpeta Negra, compartimos información, opiniones e ideas de estrategia para inversores globales. También informamos sobre el desempeño de nuestros portafolios modelo. La Carpeta Negra no es nueva: nació hace siete años como un producto interno de investigación que el staff entregaba semanalmente […]

Categories: Español, Uncategorized

Welcome to La Carpeta Negra

Genevieve Signoret & Patrick Signoret

Welcome to La Carpeta Negra in its new format: an interactive blog. In La Carpeta Negra, we share actionable information, opinion, and strategy ideas for global investors. We also report on the performance of our model portfolios. La Carpeta Negra (“The Black Binder” in Spanish) isn’t new: it was born seven years ago as an internal […]

Categories: English, Uncategorized

Un rumor inquietante

Genevieve Signoret

Carta de la Presidente Hay un rumor inquietante de que los bonos basura corporativos de EE UU están enfrentando un creciente riesgo de liquidez: los inversores podrían intentar venderlos en masa y no encontrar compradores salvo a precios de liquidación. Nuestro portafolio modelo[1] de corto plazo, así como aquellos de nuestros clientes, tienen grandes asignaciones […]

Categories: Español, Letter From the President

A worrisome buzz

Genevieve Signoret

Letter from the President We’re hearing a worrisome buzz, which is that U.S. corporate junk bonds are facing a growing liquidity risk: investors could suddenly start trying to unload them en masse and fail to find willing buyers except at fire-sale prices. Our client and model short-term portfolios[1] hold large (nearly 50%) allocations to U.S. […]

Categories: English, Letter From the President

Watch FOMC, U.S. jobs, Mexico’s Congress

Genevieve Signoret & Patrick Signoret

Macro Views Next week: the highlights During the week of 28 July. Mexico: Congress works on laws to implement last year’s energy reform. Energy reform in Mexico is now moving full speed ahead. Everyone expects the laws to be passed by Congress with few changes and signed into law by President Peña Nieto quickly now. […]

Categories: English, Español, Macro Views

Desempeño superior en RV de México, emergentes y el Pacífico

Genevieve Signoret & Patrick Signoret

Nuestro Desempeño En los últimos tres meses, las clases de activos en nuestros portafolios modelo[1] de mayor rentabilidad en términos del dólar estadounidense fueron la renta variable mexicana (+11.2%), la de mercados emergentes (+10.7%) y la de mercados desarrollados del Pacífico (+7.5%). Las de peor desempeño fueron una gama amplia de materias primas (-3.4%), la […]

Categories: Español, Our Performance

Mexico, EM, and Pacific equity are top performers

Genevieve Signoret & Patrick Signoret

Our Performance In the past three months, the asset classes in our model portfolios[1] that delivered the highest U.S. dollar returns were Mexico equity (+11.2%), emerging market equity (+10.7%), and Pacific developed market equity  (+7.5%). Producing the lowest returns were broad commodities (-3.4%), German equity (-0.9%), and developed market short-term sovereign bonds (+0.2%). So far […]

Categories: English, Our Performance

Nuestros portafolios modelo

Genevieve Signoret & Patrick Signoret

For English, click here. TransEconomics tiene tres portafolios modelo. Los clientes de TransEconomics reciben detalles sobre su composición además de estrategias individualizadas y servicios de gestión de cartera. Lea más sobre nuestros servicios. Para solicitar mayor información, favor de dirigirse a Nuestros portafolios modelo y sus benchmarks Iniciamos nuestros tres portafolios modelo el 30 de […]

Categories: Español